Monday 18 December 2017


Are we becoming addicted to Netflix?

The way the world watches movies has changed dramatically in the last few years because of the man who thought up and gradually built up a company called Netflix.
Beyond other services, Netflix provides special offers as it gives one-month free charge to enclose their user's hearts. However, its true success dwells on the easiness of accessing to those files. In fact, as it is corroborated in a UK survey, what people like the most from the platform is that they can reach its content  from whatsoever device they want to.
Its series which are more commonly known as” Original” were designed as a strategy to enforce the corporation. The plausibility they are grounded on makes them crossovers. It can be seen as a petty detail, however as it was proved the enterprise wouldn’t have made it this far if it wasn’t for them, nevertheless that doesn't exclude them from facing some of the most urgent and troublesome matters that need to be settled.

There are two types of possible users, the ones who are devoted to the technology process and the other ones who are reluctant to it. Do we need to convince them to change their minds or shall we allow them to keep afloat the traditional cinema a little while more, just to ensure they disappear with dignity?

The link  below is going to bring you to a test to prove your knowledge of the topic.

By: Musa Kanteh, Gerard de Vicente I Marc de Vicente

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