Saturday, 12 December 2015

The force is calling you!

When it comes to talk about science fiction, space battles, army of robots, legendary heroes, interplanetary trips or dozens of weird alien tribes, most of the people think about one of the main known movie sagas: Star Wars.
If you are a fan of them, you can enjoy next Christmas with the newest episode: “The force awaken”.

Remember, “The force is calling you”.


Extra information.
1st question.
Can you remember the names of the most popular Star Wars’ robots?
Yes, you’re right. They are called C3PO and R2D2.
2nd question.
Can you call those robots in Latin Spanish?
Can’t you? It’s worth it.
Citripio (in English “ce” “three” “pee” “ou”) and Arturito (“are” “two” “dee” “two”)
It’s crazy. Isn’t it?

Tuesday, 1 December 2015


"Black Friday" is the  term for the phenomenon that takes place in the U.S. on the day after Thanksgiving Thursday, when millions of consumers who get the day off from work or school crowd into stores for what is traditionally considered the beginning of the Christmas shopping season.

To know more about its origin let's watch the video!